secure workspace

Best online Data Room services in terms of security and technology

The problem of information security in corporate databases and data warehouses is very acute today, and the situation is becoming more complicated every year. So, Virtual Data Rooms are designed to make business processes more secure.

Enterprise information security: key threats and protections

Computer and information technologies have embraced all sectors of the economy today. For any modern company, information becomes one of the main resources, the preservation and proper disposal of which is of key importance for business development and reducing the level of various risks. Information security is becoming an urgent problem for an enterprise.

The modern enterprise has a developed network infrastructure in which the corporate information systems provide support of all business processes of the organizational work. The main source of business information in such network infrastructures is repositories and databases, which store internal operational and financial information, personal data of employees, information about customers and clients, intellectual property, market research and analysis of competitors, payment information.

The development of tools, methods, and forms of automation of information processing, as well as the widespread use of personal computers, make information much more vulnerable. The main factors of information vulnerability are:

  • increase the volume and types of information processed by computers, its storage in electronic form;
  • accumulation of information in repositories and databases for various purposes;
  • expanding the range of users who have direct access to computer system resources and data sets;
  • the complication of modes of operation of technical means of computer systems;
  • exchange of information in local and global networks

Information security of an enterprise or company is understood as a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at preserving and protecting information and its key elements, as well as equipment and systems that are used to work with information, store and transfer it. This complex includes technologies, standards, and methods of information management that ensure its effective protection. Virtual Data Room is an example of such technology.

How can Data Room software improve corporate security?

Data Room is a cloud-based solution designed to provide a secure data warehouse and an efficient space for file-sharing and collaboration. The most widespread use of Data Room software is in commercial transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, where confidential commercial information can be made accessible to interested parties in a controlled manner.

Data Room analyzes and tracks the participants viewing the documents. Monitoring a buyer’s engagement can be leveraged to fine-tune deals or pursue business opportunities. This information also helps administrators understand what their internal staff is working on and the status of the project.

At the organizational level, the following tasks of information security in the business software are solved:

  • organization of work on the development of information security system;
  • education and training of service personnel and users;
  • restriction of access to the object and the resources of the system;
  • event planning;
  • certification of information security tools;
  • certification of objects of protection;

Implemented in , the system of delimitation of access to information, designed in combination with other information security measures of the enterprise to counter both external threats such as industrial espionage, and internal, for example, theft.

Data Rooms are based on the principle of creating a single repository of data containing all corporate business information: planning and financial information, production data, personnel data, etc. Having a single corporate repository eliminates the need to transfer data from one system to another, and ensures the simultaneous availability of information for any number of employees with the appropriate authority.